Why the demand for product managers are growing rapidly?
Good news if you are a product manager or planning to move to product management. The demand for product management talent is growing fast in the last 5 years. There are so many companies in different industries that are going through the ‘digital transformation’. Where historically there was no need for this kind of talent, there is a booming demand as these companies have been ‘digitally’ transformed.
Every Industries is adopting and leveraging new technologies such as Financial Services, Retail, Automotive, Manufacturing and Healthcare have created a demand for innovative product managers who bring both industry experience as well as an understanding of new technologies.
Senior leaders of these new digital companies now know that they need someone who understands the vision, find a problem worth solving to achieve it, build a hypothesis to solve it, and then validate it as quickly as you can with real customers.While the business problems are becoming more complex, the supply of specific product management skills and experience has become scarce.
Here is a snippet of my presentation at Product School that provides additional points behind the rising demand and how as a PM you can benefits from it.